Joomla - Google AdSense manages all aspects of Google AdSense for your website. Easy and complete! All options accessible with Google AdSense are accessible with Joomla - Google AdSense module & plugin.
Joomla - Google AdSense is a :
- Module that allows you to easily insert Google AdSense ads on your Joomla based websites without modifying the template ( All Module positions on joomla ),
- Plugin to insert Google AdSense ads in the bottom of your articles.
More then that, you can set it up to prevent click on your own Google AdSense advertisements with IP Block.
- Joomla! 1.5 or Joomla! 1.6
Internationalized (multiple languages supported):
- J - Google AdSense Arabic (ar-AA)
- J - Google AdSense Chinese (zh-CN)
- J - Google AdSense English (en-GB) & (en-US)
- J - Google AdSense French (fr-FR)
- J - Google AdSense Hindi (India) (hi-IN)
- J - Google AdSense German (de-DE)
- J - Google AdSense Italian (it-IT)
- J - Google AdSense Japanese (jp-JP)
- J - Google AdSense Dutch (nl-NL) - Many Thanks to : Gerard van Enschut.
- J - Google Adsense Portuguese-Brazil (pt-BR) - Many Thanks to : Carlos Rodrigues de Souza.
- J - Google AdSense Russian (ru-RU)
- J - Google AdSense Spanish (es-ES)
- J - Google AdSense Turkish (tr-TR)
this was removed from - can you replace the file for download???
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