Start your advertising EMPIRE TODAY!
Just launching, A new and unique concept to bring a solid residual opportunity for the SUPER ACTIVE or completely passive marketer.
What is TextAdBrokers?
TextAdBrokers was created as the premier Partner for marketing and distribution For the newly created contextual advertising Platform is the newest high-tech High touch advertising platform designed To get your Text, Banner, In line, and many Other advertising formats in front of Millions of people EVERY DAY
TextAdBrokers is a Global Partnership Pool designed to reward the marketers who will be loading the
initial advertising content to the soon launching global contextual advertising network
As the owner of a SINGLE partner package at TextAdBrokers you will be part of the 25$ advertising pool from the profits generated by TextAdBrokers and So think of it this way. With the initial projections of $100,000 Per day in contextual advertising through the network, $25,000 would be split equally to the limited partnership of 10,000 TextAdBrokers members.
That would be $375 PER PROFIT UNIT PER BI-WEEKYLY pay period or $700 PER MONTH! NOT BAD FOR A $25 investment in an amazing ground floor operation.
There is also a 10 Tier Unlimited Width compensation plan for the marketers that help get this party started.
Earn ADDITIONALLY $1.25 per profit unit you help us get the word out about a total of TEN LEVELS DEEP With no limitations on width. So your earning potential is UNLIMITED.
We see 100 opportunities come and go every day and we fall victim to many different things designed to
fail, but with this opportunity with TextAdBrokers you have the chance to be part of something amazing
I sincerely hope you see the vision in this and decide to join my team.
Look forward to seeing you inside.....
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